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Catalog Number: (10091-544)
Supplier: Proteintech
Description: OCTN2 (Organic Cation/Carnitine Transporter 2), encoded by SLC22A5, is a ubiquitously expressed organic anion/cation transporter. OCTN2 plays a key role in absorption, tissue distribution and renal reabsorption of L-carnitine which is an essential cofactor in fat metabolism. Defects in the OCTN2 are responsible for primary carnitine deficiency. OCTN2 also transports some important respiratory medicines (such as ipratropium and tiotropium), and due to its expression in the lung, may influence the disposition and absorption of these medicines in the lung.

Catalog Number: (10091-594)
Supplier: Proteintech
Description: OPTN, also named as FIP2, GLC1E, HIP7, HYPL and NRP, plays a neuroprotective role in the eye and optic nerve. It is probably part of the TNF-alpha signaling pathway that can shift the equilibrium toward induction of cell death. OPTN may act by regulating membrane trafficking and cellular morphogenesis via a complex that contains Rab8 and hungtingtin (HD). OPTN may constitute a cellular target for adenovirus E3 14.7, an inhibitor of TNF-alpha functions, thereby affecting cell death. Defects in OPTN are the cause of primary open angle glaucoma type 1E (GLC1E). Defects in OPTN are a cause of susceptibility to normal pressure glaucoma (NPG). OPTN mutated in adult-onset primary open angle glaucoma. It supports the protective role of OPTN in the trabecular meshwork.

Catalog Number: (10091-554)
Supplier: Proteintech
Description: OFD1,also named as CXorf5 and 71-7A, belongs to the OFD1 family. It has been implicated in several developmental syndromes, including a male-lethal X-linked dominant condition,Oral-Facial-Digital type 1 (OFD1) syndrome, X-linked recessiveSimpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome type 2 (SGBS2) and Joubert syndrome and related disorders (JSRDs). It is a component of the centrioles controlling mother and daughter centrioles length. It is recruits to the centriole IFT88 and centriole distal appendage-specific proteins including CEP164. Involved in the biogenesis of the cilium, a centriole-associated function. OFD1 plays an important role in development by regulating Wnt signaling and the specification of the left-right axis. This antibody recognize all the isoforms of OFD1. The 43 kDa is isoform 2. The ~80 kDa band is unknown.

Catalog Number: (10091-548)
Supplier: Proteintech
Description: ODF2 (outer dense fiber 2) is the major cenexin protein of the cytoskeleton of the sperm tail. In somatic cells, it is a component of the centrosome in which it is located in the appendages of the mother centriole. The gene for the cenexin protein, which was first identified as a protein marker of the mother centriole, was subsequently found to be identical to ODF2 and encodes transcripts cenexin 1 and cenexin 2. ODF2 is ubiquitously expressed in many cell types as various splicing variants. Additionally, ODF2 localizes to centrioles, basal bodies, and primary cilia, which are all structurally and functionally interconnected. ODF2 has 10 isoforms with MW 67-100 kDa.

Catalog Number: (10091-576)
Supplier: Proteintech
Description: OLIG2, also named as BHLHB1, BHLHE19, PRKCBP2 and RACK17, is required for oligodendrocyte and motor neuron specification in the spinal cord, as well as for the development of somatic motor neurons in the hindbrain. Cooperates with OLIG1, OLIG2 establish the pMN domain of the embryonic neural tube. Antagonist of V2 interneuron and of NKX2-2-induced V3 interneuron development. OLIG2 is widely expressed in subsets of glia cells and progenitors, and it is strongly induced at different sites by both acute and chronic injury, albeit with different mechanisms. OLIG2 acts as a repressor of neurogenesis in cells reacting to brain injury. It may represent an effective approach towards evoking neuronal repair from parenchymal precursors.

Catalog Number: (10091-510)
Supplier: Proteintech
Description: Anti-NYAP2 Antibody, Host Species: Rabbit, Cross Reactivity: Human, Immunogen: Fusion Protein, 557-653 amino acid, Format:Antigen affinity purification, Application: ELISA, WB, Recommended Storage: - 20 C or lower

Catalog Number: (10091-602)
Supplier: Proteintech
Description: Anti-ORC2L Antibody, Host Species: Rabbit, Cross Reactivity: Human,Mouse,Rat, Immunogen: Recombinant Protein, C-term-350 amino acid, Format:Antigen affinity purification, Application: ELISA, WB, Recommended Storage: - 20 C or lower

Catalog Number: (10091-616)
Supplier: Proteintech
Description: OS-9 is a ubiquitously expressed ensoplasmic reticulum (ER)-associated protein originally identified as being amplified in certain osteosarcomas. It functions in ER quality control and ER-associated degradation (ERAD). There are three isoforms of this protein: OS-9.1, OS-9.2 and OS-9.3. The longest isoform, OS-9.1, contains 667 aa, OS-9.2 lacks aa 535-589, whereas OS-9.3 lacks aa 456-470 and 535-589. OS-9.1 and OS-9.2 are N-glycosylated, ubiquitously expressed in human tissues, and amplified in tumors. Isoform 2 is the major isoform detected in all cell types examined. This antibody can recognize all three isoforms of OS-9.

Catalog Number: (10091-632)
Supplier: Proteintech
Description: Anti-OTOP1 Antibody, Host Species: Rabbit, Cross Reactivity: Human, Mouse, Immunogen: Fusion Protein, 272-612 amino acid, Format:Antigen affinity purification, Application: ELISA, WB, Recommended Storage: - 20 C or lower

Catalog Number: (10091-642)
Supplier: Proteintech
Description: Anti-OVCA1 Antibody, Host Species: Rabbit, Cross Reactivity: Human,Mouse,Rat, Immunogen: Fusion Protein, C-350 amino acid, Format:Antigen affinity purification, Application: ELISA, WB, Recommended Storage: - 20 C or lower

Catalog Number: (10091-808)
Supplier: Proteintech
Description: Anti-PARP3 Antibody, Host Species: Rabbit, Cross Reactivity: Human,Mouse,Rat, Immunogen: Recombinant Protein, C-term-300 amino acid, Format:Antigen affinity purification, Application: ELISA, WB, IHC, IF, Recommended Storage: - 20 C or lower

Catalog Number: (10091-780)
Supplier: Proteintech
Description: Anti-PAN2 Antibody, Host Species: Rabbit, Cross Reactivity: Human,Mouse,Rat, Immunogen: Recombinant Protein, 850-1198 amino acid, Format:Antigen affinity purification, Application: ELISA, WB, IHC, Recommended Storage: - 20 C or lower

Catalog Number: (10091-916)
Supplier: Proteintech
Description: PCDH11X, also named as KIAA1326, PCDH11 and PCDHX, is a potential calcium-dependent cell-adhesion protein. The antibody recognizes isoforms1 and isoform6 of PCDH11X. The antibody has no cross reaction to PCDH11Y.

Catalog Number: (10091-894)
Supplier: Proteintech
Description: Pre-B-cell leukemia homeobox 4 (PBX4), also named as Homeobox protein PBX4, is one of the pbx gene encode homeodomain containing transcriptional regulators that interact with other proteins to control embryogenesis and tumorigenesis. Pbx 4 expression is confined to the testis, especially to spermatocytes in the pachytene stage of the first meiotic prophase.PBX4 may form heterodimers with other homeobox genes (hoxb1b and meis3) to specify different developmental fates during vertebrate embryogenesis .The trimeric complex containing Pbx4, Meis3, and Hoxb1b was also formed.

Catalog Number: (10091-908)
Supplier: Proteintech
Description: PCBD2(Pterin-4-alpha-carbinolamine dehydratase 2) is also named DCOH2, DCOHM and belongs to the pterin-4-alpha-carbinolamine dehydratase family. It is involved in tetrahydrobiopterin biosynthesis and it seems to both prevent the formation of 7-pterins and accelerate the formation of quinonoid-BH2. PCBD2 also regulates the dimerization of homeodomain protein HNF-1-alpha and enhances its transcriptional activity.

Catalog Number: (10091-830)
Supplier: Proteintech
Description: PDK1(pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase isoform 1) is also named as PDHK1 and belongs to the PDK/BCKDK protein kinase family.It inhibits the mitochondrial pyruvate dehydrogenase complex by phosphorylation of the E1 alpha subunit, thus contributing to the regulation of glucose metabolism.Starvation increases islet PDK activity.This antibody is speicfic to PDK1.

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