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Catalog Number: (10085-004)
Supplier: Proteintech
Description: COMMD1(COMM domain-containing protein 1), also named MURR1, is implicated in copper homeostasis by binding one copper ion per monomer. COMMD1 was reported to accelerate the ubiquitination and degradation of NF-kappa-B subunits, its deficiency exerts enhanced NF-kappa-B mediated celluar response. Ubiquitinated by XIAP (X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis), COMMD1 undergoes proteasomal degradation. SOD1 activity can be downregulated by COMMD1.

Catalog Number: (10081-124)
Supplier: Proteintech
Description: Anti-STAT4(Polyclonal) Antibody, Host Species: Rabbit, Cross Reactivity: Human,Mouse,Rat Immunogen: Recombinant Protein, C-term-350 amino acid, Format:Antigen affinity purification, Application: ELISA, WB, Recommended Storage: - 20 C or lower

Catalog Number: (10081-478)
Supplier: Proteintech
Description: SAR1A, also named as SAR1, SARA and SARA1, belongs to the small GTPase superfamily and SAR1 family. It is involved in transport from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus. SAR1A is required to maintain SEC16A localization at discrete locations on the ER membrane perhaps by preventing its dissociation. SAR1A-GTP-dependent assembly of SEC16A on the ER membrane forms an organized scaffold defining endoplasmic reticulum exit sites (ERES). The antibody is specific to SAR1A.

Catalog Number: (10081-436)
Supplier: Proteintech
Description: PYGL belongs to the glycogen phosphorylase family. Phosphorylase is an important allosteric enzyme in carbohydrate metabolism. Enzymes from different sources differ in their regulatory mechanisms and in their natural substrates. However, all known phosphorylases share catalytic and structural properties. Defects in PYGL are the cause of glycogen storage disease type 6 (GSD6). This antibody is specific to PYGL. It has no cross reaction to PYGM and PYGB.

Catalog Number: (10081-410)
Supplier: Proteintech
Description: PRDX1, also named as PAGA, PAGB, TDPX2, PAG and NKEF-A, belongs to the ahpC/TSA family. It is involved in redox regulation of the cell. PRDX1 reduces peroxides with reducing equivalents provided through the thioredoxin system but not from glutaredoxin. PRDX1 plays an important role in eliminating peroxides generated during metabolism. PRDX1 might participate in the signaling cascades of growth factors and tumor necrosis factor-alpha by regulating the intracellular concentrations of H2O2. It reduces an intramolecular disulfide bond in GDPD5 that gates the ability to GDPD5 to drive postmitotic motor neuron differentiation. The antibody is specific to PRDX1.

Catalog Number: (10081-402)
Supplier: Proteintech
Description: PPP3CB, also named as CALNA2, CALNB and CNA2, belongs to the PPP phosphatase family and PP-2B subfamily. It is a calcium-dependent, calmodulin-stimulated protein phosphatase. It may have a role in the calmodulin activation of calcineurin. This antibody is special to PPP3CB.

Catalog Number: (10081-424)
Supplier: Proteintech
Description: PYCR1,also named as P5CR1, belongs to the pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase family. It is a housekeeping enzyme that catalyzes the last step in proline biosynthesis. PYCR1 can utilize both NAD and NADP, but has higher affinity for NAD. It is involved in the cellular response to oxidative stress. Mutation in PYCR1 will cause ARCL type II(ARCL2B ). Some mutation will cause DeBarsy syndrome (DBS) which is characterized by progeroid features, ophthalmological abnormalities, intrauterine growth retardation, and cutis laxa. The MW of PYCR1 is about 33-35kd.

Catalog Number: (10081-482)
Supplier: Proteintech
Description: SAR1B, also named as SARA2, SARB and GTBPB, belongs to the small GTPase superfamily and SAR1 family. It is involved in transport from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus. SAR1B is activated by the guanine nucleotide exchange factor PREB. It is involved in the selection of the protein cargo and the assembly of the COPII coat complex. The antibody is specific to SAR1B.

Catalog Number: (10081-556)
Supplier: Proteintech
Description: IFITM2, also named as 1-8D, belongs to the CD225 family. It is an IFN-induced antiviral protein that mediates cellular innate immunity to at least three major human pathogens, namely influenza A H1N1 virus, West Nile virus (WNV), and dengue virus (WNV), by inhibiting the early step(s) of replication. IFITM2 induces cell cycle arrest and mediates apoptosis by caspase activation and in p53-independent manner. It is overexpressed in colon carcinoma. IFITM2 is a novel pro-apoptotic gene that will provide new insights into the regulated cellular pathways to death. This antibody is specific to IFTIM2.

Catalog Number: (10081-522)
Supplier: Proteintech
Description: SorCS1 is a 130 kDa type I transmembrane protein, belonging to Vps10p-domain (Vps10p-D) receptor family that comprises an N-terminal Vps10p-D, a leucine-rich domain, a single transmembrane domain, and a short cytoplasmic domain. SorCS1 is synthesized as a proprotein, which is converted to the mature receptor in late Golgi compartments by cleavage of the N-terminal propeptide. Alternative splicing of human SorCS1 results in four isoforms with different cytoplasmic domains and differential expression in tissues. This antibody was generated against the C-terminal region of human SorCS1 and recognizes various forms of SorCS1. Multiple bands around 100-130 kDa as well as 60-80 kDa have been detected in Y79 cells by western blot assay.

Catalog Number: (10081-590)
Supplier: Proteintech
Description: Three members of c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNK), JNK1, JNK2 and JNK3, have been reported, which are distant members of the MAP kinase family. JNK1 is activated by dual phosphorylation at a Thr-Pro-Tyr motif during response to UV light. JNK1 functions to phosphorylate c-Jun at N-terminal serine regulatory sites of Ser-63 and Ser-73, mapping within the transactivation domain. Phosphorylation of these sites in response to UV results in transcriptional activation of c-Jun.

Catalog Number: (10081-664)
Supplier: Proteintech
Description: Interleukin-2 enhancer binding factor 2 (ILF2), also named as nuclear factor 45 (NF45), plays important roles in regulating interleukin-2 expression in mammals. It forms a heterodimeric complex with ILF3, which may regulate transcription of the IL2 gene during T-cell activation. It can also promote the formation of stable DNA-dependent protein kinase holoenzyme complexes on DNA .

Catalog Number: (10081-668)
Supplier: Proteintech
Description: NFE2L1, also named as HBZ17, NRF1, TCF11 and LCR-F1, belongs to the bZIP family and CNC subfamily. It activates erythroid-specific, globin gene expression. NFE2L1 is involved in mediating ascorbic acid-induced osterix expression and osteoblast differentiation via binding to the antioxidant response element of the osterix promoter. NFE2L1, produced by osteoblasts, is involved in regulating osterix expression, osteoblast differentiation, and bone formation. . This antibody is a rabbit polyclonal antibody raised against residues near the C terminus of human ESRRG.

Catalog Number: (10081-722)
Supplier: Proteintech
Description: DEPDC6, also named as DEPTOR, was identified as a novel mTOR-interacting protein whose over-expression in certain cell types represents a new mechanism for activating PI3K/Akt signaling and promoting cell survival. It negative regulator of the mTORC1 and mTORC2 signaling pathways. DEPDC6 inhibits the kinase activity of both complexes. The antibody is specific to DEPDC6.

Catalog Number: (10081-764)
Supplier: Proteintech
Description: Anti-EVI2A(Polyclonal) Antibody, Host Species: Rabbit, Cross Reactivity: Mouse, Immunogen: Recombinant Protein, 1-223 amino acid, Format:Antigen affinity purification, Application: ELISA, WB, Recommended Storage: - 20 C or lower

Catalog Number: (10081-744)
Supplier: Proteintech
Description: EEF1D, also named as EF1D and EF 1 delta, belongs to the EF-1-beta/EF-1-delta family. It is a subunit of the elongation factor-1 complex, which is responsible for the enzymatic delivery of aminoacyl tRNAs to the ribosome. EF-1-beta and EF-1-delta stimulate the exchange of GDP bound to EF-1-alpha to GTP. EEF1D is phosphorylated upon DNA damage, probably by ATM or ATR. This antibody is a mouse monoclonal antibody raised against residues near the C terminus of human EEF1D.

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