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Catalog Number: (71009-384)
Supplier: KMG
Description: Xylene can be used as a negative resist developer in semiconductor applications. Xylene is also mixed with HMDS, then spun on to a wafer to aid in adhesive of photoresist to the silicon wafer.

Catalog Number: (89400-748)
Supplier: KMG
Description: Ammonium fluoride is used to dilute HF solutions for silicon dioxide film etching.

Catalog Number: (KM431-200440)
Supplier: KMG
Description: IPA is used to rinse silicon wafers and to leave a clean dry residue free surface usually after organic stripping solutions

Catalog Number: (71009-320)
Supplier: KMG
Description: Ammonium hydroxide is used in a SC-1 solution to remove organics and particles from the surface of a wafer. The ammonium hydroxide allows undercutting of the silicon dioxide freeing particles from the wafer by lift-off.

Storage: 0⁰ F - 80⁰F

Catalog Number: (71009-532)
Supplier: KMG
Description: Sulfuric acid is used in semiconductor processing to remove residual organic contamination prior to metalization steps.

Store at less than 109⁰ F

Catalog Number: (71009-318)
Supplier: KMG
Description: can be used for drying laboratory glassware, removing greasy or oily contaminants from work benches, or as a general photoresist stripper or edgebead remover.

Catalog Number: (71009-346)
Supplier: KMG
Description: Potassium hydroxide (KOH) is used to etch silicon. The crystalline orientation of the silicon greatly affects the etch rate making potassium hydroxide an anisotropic etchant.

Storage: 32⁰ F - 120⁰ F

Catalog Number: (89400-770)
Supplier: KMG
Description: Wet chemical etching is an integral part of semiconductor manufacturing process. KMG’s line of ultra etchants (BOE w/surfactant) offers a variety of silicon dioxide etching rates and characteristics to meet your processing needs.

Catalog Number: (71009-508)
Supplier: KMG
Description: Acetone Cleanroom LP, Acetone can be used for drying laboratory glassware, removing greasy or oily contaminants from work benches, or as a general photoresist stripper or edgebead remover. 350lb.

Catalog Number: (10803-036)
Supplier: KMG
Description: CR-16, is a nitric acid based chrome etchant used for photolithography masks, semiconductor and MEMS processes. It is designed to provide minimum undercutting, maximum critical dimension control and repeatability.

Catalog Number: (71009-366)
Supplier: KMG
Description: Hydrogen peroxide is used in SC-1 and SC-2 solutions to remove particles from silicon wafers and to remove surface metallic contamination. The purity of the hydrogen peroxide is critical to surface roughness and metallic residual levels on the wafer.

Catalog Number: (KM402-200406)
Supplier: KMG
Description: Acetone can be used for drying laboratory glassware, removing greasy or oily contaminants from work benches, or as a general photoresist stripper or edgebead remover.

Catalog Number: (71009-336)
Supplier: KMG
Description: Hydrogen peroxide is used in SC-1 and SC-2 solutions to remove particles from silicon wafers and to remove surface metallic contamination. The purity of the hydrogen peroxide is critical to surface roughness and metallic residual levels on the wafer.

Catalog Number: (71009-334)
Supplier: KMG
Description: Hydrogen peroxide is used in SC-1 and SC-2 solutions to remove particles from silicon wafers and to remove surface metallic contamination. The purity of the hydrogen peroxide is critical to surface roughness and metallic residual levels on the wafer.

Catalog Number: (71009-372)
Supplier: KMG
Description: IPA is used to rinse silicon wafers and to leave a clean dry residue free surface usually after organic stripping solutions.

Catalog Number: (71009-340)
Supplier: KMG
Description: Nitric acid is a strong oxidizing agent. Nitric acid is used to oxidize silicon to silicon dioxide and to dissolve metals to metal nitrates. Nitric acid is used in combination with HF in mixed acid etchants to etch silicon.

Storage: <75⁰ F

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