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Supplier: Invitrogen
Description: PP, translucent.

Supplier: Invitrogen
Description: Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ Premium Grade Sulfo-NHS-SS-Biotin is our highest quality formulation of this amine-reactive, cleavable biotinylation reagent, specially characterized for applications where product integrity and risk minimization are paramount. Sulfo-NHS-SS-biotin is used for cleavable attachment of biotin to protein and cell surface amines.
Supplier: Invitrogen
Description: Pierce™ Centrifuge Columns are convenient tools for handling 40 µl to 10 ml of an affinity support for purification.

Catalog Number: (PI37527X3)
Supplier: Invitrogen
Description: Thermo Scientific Fish Serum Blocking Buffer is steelhead salmon serum in PBS that is especially useful as a blocking agent in IHC and other detection methods involving mammalian samples.

Supplier: Invitrogen
Description: The 1-Step™ Ultra TMB-ELISA contains soluble TMB (3,3´,5,5´-tetramentylbenzidine) that is ideal for sensitive ELISA-based applications
Supplier: Invitrogen
Description: It Provides A Fast And Reproducible Affinity Matrix That Has Been Validated For Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (Chip) Assays.


Supplier: Invitrogen
Description: Thermo Scientific Pierce protein magnetic beads are high-capacity and high-throughput affinity particles for antibody purification and immunoprecipitation methods using manual or robotic magnetic separators.
Catalog Number: (PI20164)
Supplier: Invitrogen
Description: The Thermo Scientific Pierce Magnetic RNA-Protein Pull-Down Kit provides researchers with a streamlined, robust method to enrich protein-RNA interactions using end-labeled RNA as the bait.


Supplier: Invitrogen
Description: Thermo Scientific Pierce Glutathione Superflow Agarose consists of glutathione that has been immobilized to a crosslinked 6% beaded agarose that is designed for high-purity, large-scale purification of GST-tagged proteins.
Supplier: Invitrogen
Description: The DyLight™ Antibody Labeling Kits and were specifically developed for fast, efficient labeling of antibodies

Supplier: Invitrogen
Description: Western Blotting Filter Papers are pre-cut cotton sheets for wet or semi-dry, passive or electrophoretic transfer of proteins from polyacrylamide gels (SDS-PAGE) to PVDF, nitrocellulose, or other membranes.

Supplier: Invitrogen
Description: Thermo Scientific Pierce Fast Western Blot Kit, SuperSignal West Pico Substrate contains optimized reagents and protocol for picogram-level detection and and Western blot development less than 1 hour after gel transfer.
Supplier: Invitrogen
Description: Purified (unconjugated) Thermo Scientific Pierce Recombinant Protein L is useful as the basis for preparing various kinds of probes or affinity media for detection or purification of mouse and human antibodies in immunoassays and antibody purification protocols.


Catalog Number: (PI20170)
Supplier: Invitrogen
Description: The c-Myc peptide may be used to elute c-Myc-tagged proteins from Thermo Scientific Anti-c-Myc Agarose, when the bound protein is sensitive to conditions of chemical elution, such as extremes in pH, or sodium thiocyanate.

Supplier: Invitrogen
Description: Thermo Scientific Pierce Premium Grade TCEP-HCl is our highest quality formulation of this disulfide reducing agent, specially characterized for applications where product integrity and risk minimization are paramount.
Supplier: Invitrogen
Description: The carbonyl-reactive Thermo Scientific™ aminoxyTMT™ (Tandem Mass Tag™) label reagents enable multiplexed characterization and quantitation of carbonyl-containing biomolecules (carbohydrates, steroids, oxidized proteins) by mass spectrometry (MS).

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