You Searched For: Minerals and Rocks Earth Science Lab Activities

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Catalog Number: (470004-442)
Description: Grow your own beautiful mountain scene with this kit's mountain, trees and flowers made of paper and a plastic base.

Catalog Number: (470017-976)
Description: The perfect means to introduce a topic or review information covered in the classroom or lab, this Bingo game features 75 standards-based review cards.

Catalog Number: (470004-294)
Supplier: Avantor
Description: There’s been a crime on Prospector’s Cove, and a certain type of beach sand found on the victim is your key piece of evidence.

Catalog Number: (470023-768)
Supplier: DESK LABS
Description: Students Use Reasoning Skills to Locate Hidden Natural Treasures

Catalog Number: (470106-002)
Supplier: Lab-Aids
Description: By playing this fun game, students will better understand the intricacies of the rock cycle, including the formation and breakdown of rocks and the processes by which one type of rock becomes another.

Catalog Number: (470023-890)
Description: There’s no more convenient way of learning essential properties of minerals than with this informative, decorative set of cards exclusively from WARD’S.

Catalog Number: (470173-946)
Supplier: Avantor
Description: The New York State Regents Examination in Physical Setting/Earth Science (Part D) consists of two components: a laboratory performance test and a written test. The performance test features three different stations of hands-on activities.

Catalog Number: (470017-978)
Description: Learn while you play with this interactive review game. Students play Bingo using 75 review cards covering the curriculum standards on rocks.

Supplier: Kemtec
Description: The Analysis of Minerals and Soils Lab Activity teaches students to utilize physical and chemical techniques to thoroughly investigate crime scene samples.

Catalog Number: (470002-460)
Supplier: Avantor
Description: Students Master Investigative Skills by Testing Mineral Properties.


Catalog Number: (470004-412)
Supplier: Lab-Aids
Description: This kit provides a series of “hands-on” activities that allow students to use key Earth Science concepts by conducting a mineral exploration that simulates real-life economic, societal, and issue oriented problems.

Supplier: Ward's Science
Description: <B>Have you ever wondered how Copper is Formed in Nature?</B>

Catalog Number: (470331-060)
Supplier: Ward's Science
Description: Learn about the rock cycle along with the mechanical and chemical erosion of rocks.

Catalog Number: (470190-696)
Supplier: Avantor
Description: The investigations in this kit turn the task of learning rock types and rock cycles processes into something memorable for elementary and middle school students.

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