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Supplier: Lucigen
Description: Competent Cells include Control DNA and Recovery Medium, and are packaged as SOLOs (1 transformation per tube). Recovery Medium is also available separately. The specified transformation efficiencies are with pUC DNA.

Catalog Number: (76081-618)
Supplier: Lucigen
Description: Synthesize "RNA" transcripts that also contain both standard or modified dNTPs using this mutant T7 RNA polymerase

Supplier: Lucigen
Description: Rescue cloning of EZ-Tn5™ transposed elements.
Catalog Number: (75927-870)
Supplier: Lucigen
Description: Easily synthesize high yields of RNA with this T7 RNA polymerase in vitro transcription kit.

Catalog Number: (76081-726)
Supplier: Lucigen
Description: Specifically degrade the RNA in a DNA:RNA hybrid, without affecting DNA or unhybridized 

Catalog Number: (76081-772)
Supplier: Lucigen
Description: <B>Rapid and efficient extraction (no purification) of PCR-ready genomic DNA from plant leaves</B>

Catalog Number: (76081-752)
Supplier: Lucigen
Description: Optimize PCR reactions that using various PCR enzymes (e.g. Taq, Pfu, and Tth DNA polymerases).

Catalog Number: (76081-754)
Supplier: Lucigen
Description: Purify genomic DNA from challenging Gram positive bacteria for a wide variety of molecular biology applications

Supplier: Lucigen
Description: E. cloni* EXPRESS BL21(DE3) Electrocompetent Cells (? 5 x 109 cfu/ug) are perfect for everyday protein expression and offer the best value available from any supplier. Packaged in two transformations per tube (DUOs) for convenience. 12 rxns.

Catalog Number: (93001-830)
Supplier: Lucigen
Description: EconoTaq® DNA Polymerase is an excellent Taq polymerase for routine PCR

Supplier: Lucigen
Description: Lucigen's Bst DNA Polymerase, Exonuclease Minus, has the highest strand displacement activity available

Catalog Number: (76081-728)
Supplier: Lucigen
Description: An improved Klenow DNA polymerase lacking all 5' to 3' and 3' to 5' exonuclease activity

Supplier: Lucigen
Description: Simplify LAMP experiments with these easy-to-use, sensitive and thermostable DNA LAMP master mixes.

Supplier: Lucigen
Description: Thermostable ligase for intramolecular ligation (i.e. circularization) of ssDNA templates

Catalog Number: (76085-630)
Supplier: Lucigen
Description: ssDNA exonuclease with both 5´ to 3´ and 3´ to 5´ exonuclease activities

Catalog Number: (76081-694)
Supplier: Lucigen
Description: Purify high yields of quality genomic DNA from yeast with this easy to use kit

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