Human Reproduction Microslide

T-62 T-62-15B
470009-032PK 12.8 USD
470009-032 470022-112
Human Reproduction Microslide
Slides Prepared Slides
An alternate option to learn about the microscopic world without the use of a microscope

  • Arrows help students locate important features
  • Mounted in a clear plastic holder that protects it on both sides
  • Set of 15 includes detailed lesson plan on the topic under study

Male and female gametes differ dramatically in their form and size. Challenge students to learn about these differences and speculate as to why these cells have these particular forms.

Introduce junior and senior high school students to the world of microscopy with inexpensive, unbreakable microslides. Microslides consist of a strip of film with eight photomicrographs, each reproduced exactly as you would see them through a professional microscope under ideal conditions. You can supply all your students with their own microslides. A detailed text folder is included. Viewers are available separately.

Sperm cells (wm, 1,800X)
Egg cell/ovum, fertilization (wm, 200X)
Fertilized egg/zygote (wm, 200X)
Two-celled embryo, first cleavage (wm, 200X)
Chromosomes, squash (st, 400X)
Ball of cells (wm, 200X)
Blastula/hollow ball of cells (wm, 200X)
Embryo, five weeks (wm, 3X)

Box of 15 Sets also Includes:
Background subject information
Reproducible student worksheets with answer keys
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