Ionizer Antistatic Systems, METTLER TOLEDO®

Supplier: Mettler Toledo
63052309 63052494 63052303 63052305 63052306 63052302 63052496 63052495
11238-366EA 1833.79 USD
11238-366 89042-460 11238-356 11238-360 11238-362 11238-354 89042-464 89042-462
Ionizer Antistatic Systems, METTLER TOLEDO®
Antistatic systems discharge electrostatically charged samples for precise weighing.

  • Discharges electrostatically charged samples
  • Neutralizes the disruptive electrostatic charge
  • Eliminates any forces that may distort weighing

A high-voltage, low-current charge neutralizes the disruptive electrostatic charge on the sample, eliminating any forces that may distort weighing.

The systems can be used with any balance and weighing substance. The ionizer instantaneously neutralizes the sample while keeping the weighing pan free and accessible. Stabilization time of the weighing is not affected because there are no drafts in the weighing chamber.

The U ionizer is ideal for general use. Simply pass the weighing sample through it when loading the balance. The point ionizer is ideal for use with powdery, toxic samples. The probe discharges even the smallest objects and can be inserted into containers 2.5cm (1") and larger. A flexible cable allows the point ionizer to be easily fastened in any position.

Ordering information: U- and Point electrode kits are supplied with a universal power supply, and are available with or without an LED fault/malfunction indicator. Component U-electrodes, bar electrodes, and point electrodes require universal power supply.

Caution: Note a grounding line needs to be installed separately and two open power outlets are required to safely use this equipment.
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