LabExact® MCE Membranes, Sterile, Hydrophilic, Gridded, 0.45 µm

Supplier: I.W. TREMONT CO., INC.
LE045SG047 LE045SG047B LE045SG047C LE045SG047D
77590-326BX 498.87 USD
77590-326 77590-328 77590-330 77590-332
LabExact® MCE Membranes, Sterile, Hydrophilic, Gridded, 0.45 µm
Filters Membrane Filters
LabExact® Mixed Cellulose Ester (MCE) membranes are sterile and biologically inert mixtures of cellulose acetate and cellulose nitrate which results in membranes with a smoother and more uniform surface than pure nitrocellulose.

  • Easy to handle, less cracking and fracturing than traditional cellulose nitrate membranes
  • Pure surface with no additional smoothing treatment or surfactants
  • Suitable for air monitoring applications
  • Meets NIOSH requirements for airborne metals and asbestos monitoring

LabExact® Mixed Cellulose Ester (MCE) membranes are gridded, sterile, and biologically inert mixtures of cellulose acetate and cellulose nitrate resulting in membranes with a smoother and more uniform surface than pure nitrocellulose. Certified for the microbiological analysis of potable, waste, process, and natural waters in accordance with the Membrane Filter Technique referenced in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater., 20th edition, and the U.S. EPA's Microbiological Methods for Monitoring the Environment, 600/8-78-017.
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