VWR® Racks and Replacement Parts for VWR Signature™ Ultra-Low Temperature and VWR® Low-Temperature and Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers

Supplier: VWR International
400047 400134 201240 201241 920094 920095 920096 920097 245231 920017 820036 920015 920018
13305-300EA 1361.7 USD
13305-300 13305-302 14230-178 14230-180 14230-202 14230-206 14230-210 14230-214 14231-832 25000-088 25000-096 25000-086 25000-090
VWR® Racks and Replacement Parts for VWR Signature™ Ultra-Low Temperature and VWR® Low-Temperature and Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers
Racks Cryogenic Box Racks
VWR® offers a complete line of accessories for Low-Temperature and Ultra-Low Temperature freezers. Choose the accessories that will meet your laboratory’s needs and safely store your frozen samples.

Sensaphone telephone dialing systems connect to remote alarm contacts on VWR® Signature and VWR® freezers

Chart recorders are 15.2cm (6") circular models with 7-day temperature recording capability. They are for use with all 120V and 230V freezers. Available data loggers serve as a paperless version of a chart recorder.

The 4-channel system monitors up to four inputs and dials up to four phone numbers until the warning message is received and acknowledged. The 8-channel system monitors up to eight inputs and dials up to eight phone numbers until the warning message is received and acknowledged. Battery back-up is standard. Six D-size alkaline batteries are required for backup.

Ordering information: Some accessories are factory-installed and must be specified when ordering. For details on ordering these products, contact your Avantor sales representative. Deluxe CO2 and LN2 backup systems include hose and necessary fittings. Sample probe kits include probe clip and probe. For VWR® Signature ULT Freezers, see series 14230-110; for VWR® Low-Temperature Upright and ULT Upright and Chest Freezers, see 14230-144 series. IQ/OQ Validation services are available, contact your Avantor sales representative for further information.
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