Rtx®-200 GC Columns, Restek

Supplier: Restek
15021 15025 15029 15039 15044 15056 15022 15027 15038 15042 15052 15054 15055 15058 15085 15009 15020 15024 15026 15035 15040 15043 15050 15051 15053 15059 15060 15070 15072 15075 15088 15041 15045 15067 15069 15073 15091 15023 15036 15057 15082 43835 43836 45001 45002 45003 45010 45011 45012
RK15021EA 532.03 USD
RK15021 RK15025 RK15029 RK15039 RK15044 RK15056 RK15022 RK15027 RK15038 RK15042 RK15052 RK15054 RK15055 RK15058 RK15085 RK15009 RK15020 RK15024 RK15026 RK15035 RK15040 RK15043 RK15050 RK15051 RK15053 RK15059 RK15060 RK15070 RK15072 RK15075 RK15088 RK15041 RK15045 RK15067 RK15069 RK15073 RK15091 RK15023 RK15036 RK15057 RK15082 10059-566 10850-548 10850-550 10850-552 10850-554 10850-556 10850-558 10850-560
Rtx®-200 GC Columns, Restek
Chromatography Columns
General-purpose columns for solvents, Freon® fluorocarbons, alcohols, ketones, silanes, and glycols.

  • High-polarity column
  • Different elution order than phenyl-, cyano-, and Carbowax®-containing phases
  • Internal dimensions and film thickness vary between models

Can be used as a confirmation column with the Rtx-5 for phenols, nitrosamines, chlorinated pesticides, chlorinated hydrocarbons, and chlorophenoxy herbicides. Phase composition: crossbonded trifluoropropylmethylpolysiloxane modified for use with ECDs, NPDs, and MSDs.
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