Estes AltiTrack™ Altitude Finders

Supplier: Estes Industries
2226 2232
470343-094EA 13.25 USD
470343-094 470343-114
Estes AltiTrack™ Altitude Finders
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials Mechanics Learning Activities
How high did it really go? Measure your rocket's altitude it with this easy to use device.

  • Track the altitude of your rocket without the added mass of an electronic altimeter
  • Use two or more AltiTraks simultaneously to improve accuracy
  • AltiTrak features both angle and metric altitude scales, and a trigger-style release mechanism for the swing arm
  • Mini AltiTrak features an angle scale and a freely-moving swing arm

Half the fun of model rockets is building them, half the fun is launching them, and the other half… analyzing the data! No rocketry lesson is complete unless your rocketeers can answer the quintessential question: 'How high did it go?' Enhance the fun and learning with these rugged and easy to use clinometers.

Both AltiTrak and Mini AltiTrak feature an easy-to-use swing arm clinometer with an easy-to-read angle scale, while the AltiTrak also features a metric altitude scale, assuming 500' distance from the launch pad. Detailed, illustrated instructions are included, making the trigonometry behind this tool simple and transparent enough to use with younger rocketeers.
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