Innovating Science® Genetics of Blood Types

Supplier: Ward's Science
IS3102-SGL IS3102 IS3102-REF
470231-542KT 32.75 USD
470231-542 470343-506 470343-508
Innovating Science® Genetics of Blood Types
Educational Classroom Kits and Activities
Learn about the genetics that determine blood type, the possible inheritance patterns, and how they express themselves.

  • Students will use simulated blood to determine the blood type of 4 unknown samples and use their results to assist in the resolution of a fictional paternity dispute
  • Aligned to NGSS practices
  • Performance expectations: MS-PS1-2, MS-LS3-2, HS-LS3-1, HS-LS3-3
  • Disciplinary core ideas: PS1.A, PS1.B, LS1.A, LS1.B, LS3.A, LS3.B
  • Cross cutting concepts include structure and function, cause and effect, scale proportion and quantity, science is a human endeavor
  • Engineering practices include developing and using models, asking questions and defining problems, analyzing and interpreting data

Blood type, an inherited characteristic, has use in everything from forensic investigations to medical procedures. In this activity, students will learn about the genetics that determine blood type and the possible inheritance patterns and how they express themselves. Students will use Innovating Science's new simulated blood to determine the blood type of four unknown samples and use their results to assist in the resolution of a fictional paternity dispute. Kit contains enough materials for 10 groups. Teacher's manual and student study guide copy masters are included.

Delivery information: Instructor's manual and SDS included.
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