HyClone™ HyrTryp™ Cell Dissociation Reagents, HyClone products (Cytiva)
Supplier: Cytiva
With HyrTryp™ cell dissociation reagent, an animal-derived component-free (ADCF) recombinant alternative to porcine trypsin, you can dissociate and harvest cells with confidence. Simply substitute it in your existing protocol.
- Regulatory friendly: Animal-derived component-free (ADCF)
- Dye-free: No phenol red
- Flexible: Suitable for a variety of applications and cell types
- Effective: Cell dissociation is comparable to porcine trypsin
- Gentle: Does not impact cell line viability and doubling times
This high quality reagent is ideal for cell-based vaccine production, as well as for stem cell, primary cell and gene therapy cell culture processes. Use with attachment-dependent cell types, including MRC-5, Vero and CHO K-1 cell lines grown with or without serum. Simply substitute it for porcine trypsin, there’s no need to adjust your protocol. When stored at –20 °C HyrTryp™ has a shelf life of 12 months from the manufacturing date.
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