Monarch® RNA Cleanup Kits (500 μg), New England Biolabs
Supplier: New England Biolabs (NEB)
This enables fast and simple purification and concentration of up to 500 µg of RNA from in vitro transcription (IVT) and other enzymatic reactions.
This kit reliably purifies up to 500 μg of concentrated, high-quality RNA (>25 nt) from enzymatic reactions and in vitro transcription (IVT) reactions. The kit utilizes a bind/wash/elute workflow with minimal incubation and spin times. The columns ensure zero buffer retention and no carryover of contaminants, enabling elution of sample in volumes as low as 50 μl. Unwanted NTPs and short RNA fragments are removed, ensuring highly pure RNA transcripts following IVT/RNA synthesis. Eluted RNA is ready for use in a variety of downstream applications including RT-PCR, RNA Library Prep for NGS and RNA labeling. The protocol can also be modified to enable the purification of smaller RNA fragments (≥15 nt).
Designed with sustainability in mind, Monarch kits use significantly less plastic and responsibly-sourced, recyclable packaging.
Monarch® RNA cleanup kits are also available for 10 and 50 µg binding capacities. Columns and buffers are also available separately for convenience.
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