Chromolith® WidePore (WP) 300, HPLC Columns for Bioapplications, MilliporeSigma

Supplier: MilliporeSigma
1.52250.0001 1.52251.0001 1.52252.0001 1.52254.0001 1.52265.0001 1.52266.0001 1.52267.0001 1.52268.0001 1.52270.0001 1.52271.0001 1.52272.0001 1.52273.0001
76057-658EA 1360.57 USD
76057-658 76057-660 76057-662 76057-666 76057-674 76057-676 76057-678 76057-680 76057-682 76057-684 76057-686 76057-688
Chromolith® WidePore (WP) 300, HPLC Columns for Bioapplications, MilliporeSigma
Chromatography Columns
These columns have been designed following the high demand for suitable analytical methods for process monitoring and quality control of wide pore biomolecules. Accurate analysis of proteins, antibodies and large peptides requires columns with good permeability, along with better mass transfer and selectivity. In order for size exclusion not to influence the separation, the pore size should be approximately ten times larger than the molecule being analyzed.

  • Completely bioinert column hardware
  • High bio-recovery
  • Selectivity for a range of biomolecules
  • Very low column backpressure
  • High resistance to column blockage
  • Cost savings from higher sample throughput and column durability
  • Possibility to use flow gradients

Wide pore (300 Å) monolithic silica columns are made of a single continuous bed rod of high purity porous silica that is then bonded with C18, C8, C4, epoxy and Protein A depending on the use of the column.
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