GoTaq Flexi DNA Polymerase, Promega

Supplier: Promega Corporation

M8291 M8295 M8296 M8297 M8298 M8911
PAM8291EA 53.29 USD
PAM8291 PAM8295 PAM8296 PAM8297 PAM8298 PAM8911
GoTaq Flexi DNA Polymerase, Promega
Nucleic Acid Reagents End-point PCR Enzymes and Kits

Taq DNA Polymerase. Provided with Green and Colorless Reaction Buffers without MgCl2, and 25mM MgCl2. Green Buffer allows direct gel analysis after amplification. Enhanced performance over standard Taq DNA Polymerase.

  • Optimize Enzyme and Magnesium Concentrations in Your PCR
  • Mg-free reaction buffers for ease of optimization
  • Direct-to-gel convenience
  • Supplied at a concentration of 5u/microl

Experience improved PCR performance with GoTaq DNA Polymerase products. GoTaq DNA Polymerase is a proprietary formulation of Taq DNA polymerase that gives robust amplification equal to and in some cases superior to that of standard Taq DNA polymerase. GoTaq Flexi DNA Polymerase allows you to optimize enzyme and magnesium concentration in your PCR. The supplied 5X Green and Colorless Flexi Reaction Buffers do not contain magnesium. A separate tube of 25mM MgCl2 is supplied, giving you maximum control over your reaction conditions. MgCl2 is also available separately. GoTaq DNA Polymerase provides improved amplification with the convenience of reaction buffers containing magnesium. The 5X Green and 5X Colorless Reaction Buffers supplied with GoTaq enzymes allow you to go directly from thermal cycler to gel analysis. These buffers contain a compound that increases sample density, so that samples sink easily into wells of an agarose gel. The green buffer also contains two dyes (yellow and blue) that separate to allow easy monitoring during electrophoresis. The blue dye comigrates at the same rate as 3-5kb DNA fragments in a 1% agarose gel. The yellow dye migrates ahead of primers (<50bp). Use the green reaction buffer for direct-to-gel analysis after amplification and the colorless reaction buffer for post-amplification analysis by fluorescence or absorbance without prior DNA purification.

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