Wallcur® PRACTI-Injecta Pads for Training Purposes

Supplier: WALLCUR, LLC.
501PD 522MP 551BS 515MP 530SS
470232-948EA 137.39 USD
470232-948 470232-950 470232-956 470354-914 470355-068
Wallcur® PRACTI-Injecta Pads for Training Purposes
Educational Materials Biology Educational Materials Physiology and Health Learning Activities
Teach a variety of skills with just one injection simulator.

  • Safe for use with air or fluid injection training
  • Useable with multiple needle sizes and lengths
  • Designed to withstand thousands of punctures

PRACTI-Injecta Pad® injection simulator is designed to withstand thousands of needle punctures as your students practice injection techniques. Available in 2 sizes (Large 7×7×2.5 and Small 5×5×2.5) the 2.5 inch thickness allows for needles of multiple lengths to be used. Wallcur’s PRACTI-Injecta Pad® is the only injection simulator that perfectly simulates aspiration tension, so vital when teaching proper I.M. injection techniques.

Intramuscular, subcutaneous, and intradermal injections
Z-track and many other injection techniques
Tissue displacement skills
Skin puncture resistance
Aspiration tension

Also available is a Sim-Skin pad. This 3×3 pad is for training for subcutaneous injections. This skin reacts like real skin forming a 'bleb' or 'wheal' upon successful injection.

Delivery information: These products require a release form for purchase. If your account does not have one on file we can not ship until we receive your release documentation.

Caution: For training purposes only, not for human or animal use.
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