Tenax® Packing Materials, Restek


25550 25551 25552 25700 25701
10848-002EA 63.71 USD
10848-002 10848-004 10848-006 10848-008 10848-090 10848-092
Tenax® Packing Materials, Restek
Chromatography Sorbents GC Sorbents

Using thermal desorption techniques such as purge-and-trap and short path thermal desoprtion systems, this porous resin can effectively pack columns for the purpose of trapping volatiles and semi-volatiles.

  • Stable upto 350 °C

Tenax® can be applied both as a column packing material and for traps for organic volatile and semi-volatile compounds.

Ordering information: Minimum order of 10 grams. Price is per gram.

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