ROS-ID® Hypoxia/Oxidative Stress Detection Kit, Enzo Life Sciences
Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences
Specific detection system for simultaneous analysis of hypoxia and oxidative stress using microscopy and flow cytometry
Enzo Life Sciences’ ROS-ID™ Hypoxia/Oxidative stress detection kit is designed for functional detection of hypoxia and oxidative stress levels in live cells (both suspension and adherent) using fluorescent microscopy or flow cytometry. This kit includes fluorogenic probes for hypoxia (red) and for oxidative stress levels (green) as two major components. The Hypoxia (Red) dye takes advantage of the nitroreductase activity present in hypoxic cells by converting the Nitro group to hydroxylamine (NHOH) and amino (NH2) and releasing the fluorescent probe. The Oxidative Stress Detection Reagent is a non-fluorescent, cell-permeable total ROS detection dye which reacts directly with a wide range of reactive species. The generated fluorescent products can be visualized using a wide-field fluorescence microscope equipped with standard fluorescein (490/525 nm) and Texas Red (596/670 nm) filters, confocal microscopy, or cytometrically using any flow cytometer equipped with a blue (488 nm) laser.
This kit is designed for fluorescence microscopy and/or flow cytometry using adherent or suspension cells.
Ordering information: Contains Hypoxia Red Detection Reagent, Oxidative Stress Detection Reagent (Green), ROS Inducer (Pyocyanin), Hypoxia Inducer (DFO).
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