Intelli-Sense™ Multi-Speed PVC Blowers, Labconco

Supplier: Labconco
7183410 7183420 7183412 7183422 7183423 7183411 7183421 7183413
10128-046EA 7310 USD
10128-046 10128-048 10128-050 10128-052 76330-120 76330-122 76330-124 76330-126
Intelli-Sense™ Multi-Speed PVC Blowers, Labconco
Intelli-Sense™ Multi-Speed PVC Blowers handle extremely corrosive atmospheres produced by high order oxidizers such as perchloric acid

They feature a direct drive ECM motor, which consumes one third less energy and is easier and less expensive to maintain than belt drive motors, and a phenolic-coated impeller and housing. Unit comes with control box and 3 speed blower switch. Adjustable over broad range of airflows.

The Intelli-Sense Blower provides an economical alternative to traditional on/off blowers. Users may close the sash and turn the Intelli-Sense Blower switch to standby modeMore Product Information
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