TLC LuxPlate® TLC Plates, MilliporeSigma

Supplier: MilliporeSigma
1.05801.0001 1.05802.0001 1.05804.0001 1.05805.0001
EM1.05801.0001EA 894.58 USD
EM1.05801.0001 EM1.05802.0001 EM1.05804.0001 EM1.05805.0001
TLC LuxPlate® TLC Plates, MilliporeSigma
TLC Plates
Classical silica TLC plates are based on a combination of proven silica gel 60 and the addition of a unique polymeric binder resulting in a very adherent and hard surface that will not crack or blister and even allow writing with a pensil on the surface without risk to damage the layer.

Product # 1.05801.0001 replaces and is identical to Product # 5801-1.
Product # 1.05802.0001 replaces and is identical to Product # 5802-1.
Product # 1.05804.0001 replaces and is identical to Product # 5804-1.
Product # 1.05805.0001 replaces and is identical to Product # 5805-1.
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