Blunt Fill and Blunt Filter Needles, BD Medical

Supplier: BD
305180 305211
BD305180CS 329.8 USD
BD305180 BD305211
Blunt Fill and Blunt Filter Needles, BD Medical
Syringe Needles
Blunt needles require a higher puncture penetration force than a conventional sharp, so they are less likely to cause needlestick injuries while preparing and filling medications from vials, ampoules, and IV bags.

These 18-gauge needles allow for rapid transfer and aspiration without coring and are long enough to easily penetrate single and double-septum barriers. Needles feature a standard Luer hub for standardization and are available already attached to syringes for ready use in medication preparation. The red hub and shield are easily identified as a unique needle.

Ordering information: Blunt fill needles are available individually or pre-attached to a Luer-Lok® syringe.
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