BRAND accu-jet® pro Pipette Controllers, BrandTech

Supplier: Avantor
89009-342EA 807.14 USD
89009-342 89009-344 89009-346 89009-348
BRAND accu-jet® pro Pipette Controllers, BrandTech
Pipettes Pipette Controllers
Lightweight controllers weigh only 190 g (6.6 oz.) and have slim handgrip for comfort during serial pipetting, even for small hands.

  • Aspirates quickly, but with smooth meniscus control
  • Quiet, low vibration
  • Powerful, with 8 hour battery life

Easily replaceable NiMH battery provides eight full hours of continuous pipetting on a single four-hour charge. An LED charge indicator alerts user when 2 h are left.

Pressure-sensitive buttons provide smooth control over pipetting speed. An additional control adjusts maximum speed for both accurate pipetting of small volumes and speedy movement of large volumes. Dual-mode switch provides either powered dispensing, gravity dispensing for volumetric work, or density gradient underlaying. Pipette adapter and 0.2 µm filter are autoclavable for sterile use.

Ordering information: Controllers are supplied with two battery compartment covers (one with wings to allow instrument to be inverted for easy storage on benchtop or hood, and one without wings), wall support, rechargeable NiMH battery, 120 V/60 Hz charger, and two extra 0.2 µm sterile filters.
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