Single-Use Syringe/BD PrecisionGlide™ Needle Combinations, Sterile, BD Medical

Supplier: BD
309624 309589 309623 309633 309570 309581 309582 309642 305060 305064 309571 309577 309579 309643 305062 305620 309580 309575 309626 309632
BD309630CS 301.51 USD
BD309630 BD-309624 BD309572 BD309589 BD309623 BD309633 BD309570 BD309574 BD309578 BD309581 BD309582 BD309631 BD309642 BD305060 BD305064 BD309571 BD309577 BD309579 BD309587 BD309588 BD309597 BD309598 BD309625 BD309635 BD309640 BD309643 BD605062 BD305620 BD309580 BD309599 BD309634 BD309637 BD309645 BD309575 BD309626 BD309632 BD309644
Single-Use Syringe/BD PrecisionGlide™ Needle Combinations, Sterile, BD Medical
Syringes Syringes, Medical
Sterile syringe/needle combinations have Slip tip or BD Luer-Lok™ tip.

Thin wall needles have a bigger I.D. without any increase in the O.D. Thin wall needles allow the same flow volume as standard-walled needles one gauge larger.

Needles are made of stainless steel with translucent, color-coded polypropylene hubs.

Caution: Needles are autoclavable after being removed from their easy-peel package. They can be sterilized by ethylene oxide in their easy-peel package.
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