MAS-100 NT® & MAS-100 NT® Ex Air Samplers, MilliporeSigma

Supplier: MilliporeSigma
1.09191.0001 1.09194.0001
EM1.09191.0001EA 20467.76 USD
EM1.09191.0001 EM1.09194.0001
MAS-100 NT® & MAS-100 NT® Ex Air Samplers, MilliporeSigma
Samplers Air Samplers
The MAS-100 NT® and MAS-100 NT® Ex portable microbial air samplers are the leading instruments for use in critical environments. These compact yet sophisticated devices are the preferred choice for those demanding the highest quality in microbial air monitoring.

  • Compact design, easy to handle
  • Improved security features and enhanced connection possibilities
  • Hardware and software developed according to GAMP 4
  • Fully validated system using ICR plates
  • Improved communication (including RS-232 and USB ports)
  • Programmable start delay of up to 60 minutes allows for personnel to be out of the sampling area when the sampling starts
  • Alarm and sample log records of the last 100 events can be exported or printed at any time
  • Mass flow is measured and ensures a flow of 100 LPM
  • Fully meets the d50 requirements using the 300 x 0.6 mm sampling head

The MAS-100 NT® systems feature a 300-hole perforated lid for increased collection efficiency and impaction speed. Both systems utilize standard 90-100mm agar plates or can be adapted to fit 50-60mm contact plates allowing for a low consumable cost and great flexibility. Sampling at 100 LPM, these systems have the highest airflow accuracy available at ± 2.5%, compared to others that can be as high as ±10%. The integrated flow sensor allows the user to freely interchange the perforated lids without affecting the accuracy or the calibration of the unit. Sampling volumes are also easily configurable between 1 and 2,000 liters.

The MAS-100 NT® Ex shares all of the same functions of the MAS-100 NT® system but is specially designed for use in explosion proof areas. The MAS-100 NT® Ex has received ATEx Conformity and can be used in zone 2 and gas groups 11A,11B, and 11C in temperature classes T1 to T4.

Certifications: Validated according to the EN ISO 14698 standard.
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