Fish Serum Blocking Buffer, Thermo Scientific

Supplier: 0000013509

PI37527X3PK 717.88 USD
Fish Serum Blocking Buffer, Thermo Scientific
Buffers Electrophoresis Buffers Blocking Buffers

Thermo Scientific Fish Serum Blocking Buffer is steelhead salmon serum in PBS that is especially useful as a blocking agent in IHC and other detection methods involving mammalian samples.

  • Upon receipt store at 4 ˚C
  • For Research Use Only
  • Not for use in diagnostic procedures

Features of Fish Serum Blocking Buffer:

Non-mammalian—fish proteins are less likely to have specific binding interactions with antibodies and other mammalian proteins present in typical methods
Convenient—filtered and stabilized in PBS for compatibility with most assay systems
Easy to use—can be used as supplied or diluted up to 10-fold as needed
Flexible—may be used for many different applications, including as a diluent for antibodies

Because Fish Serum Blocking Buffer is fish serum, it is effective in stabilizing solutions and samples for antibody-binding interactions while at the same time minimizing the possibility of cross-reaction with mammalian sample components. When normal sera cause background in immunohistochemistry (IHC), try this product. The product is also especially effective in various cellular imaging protocols based on visible and near-infrared fluorescence detection.

Fish serum has several advantages over typical blocking buffers. Because salmon is phylogenetically distant from mammals, which are the source of antibodies and samples used in most experiments, its serum proteins are less likely to have specific binding interactions with proteins used in typical cell biology experiments. Because Fish Serum Blocking Buffer is fish serum, it is effective in stabilizing solutions and samples for antibody-binding interactions. When normal sera cause background in IHC experiments, Fish Serum Blocking Buffer may correct the problem.

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