UVP DigiDoc-It® Imaging System, Analytik Jena

Supplier: Analytik Jena US
97-0105-01 97-0244-01 97-0244-02 97-0246-01 97-0246-02 97-0243-01 97-0243-02
14220-784EA 6281.31 USD
14220-784 95042-998 95043-000 95043-002 95043-004 95043-006 95043-008
UVP DigiDoc-It® Imaging System, Analytik Jena
Photodocumentation Systems
The DigiDoc-It® system is ideal for image acquisition and documentation of gels, plates and membranes. System includes a digital color camera, hood enclosure, UV diopter and ethidium bromide filter, and image capture software.

The digital camera features 5.1 megapixels, 640x480 to 2592x1944 resolution, 4x optical zoom lens, UV filters, and a diopter

The optional Doc-It® 1D analysis software loads on a separate computer for analysis of gels, plates, and membranes. Features include automatic lane and band detection, quantitative analysis of lanes and bands, multiple MW calibration, background correction, image enhancement, and reporting capabilities.

Imaging of nonfluorescent gels requires a UV to white converter plate. The Visi-Blue™ convertor plate converts ultraviolet to 480nm blue light for use with SYBR® Green, SYPRO® Orange, and EGFP stains. Both plates have an area of 21x26 cm (8 1/4x10 1/4").

The image capture software loads on a user’s computer configured with Windows® 98, ME, or 2000 operating systems with a USB interface. The software controls camera functions including live image preview, focus and exposure settings, and image saturation warnings. It also features enhancement and annotation, detailed and configurable reporting, and history tracking.
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