Amersham ECL DualVue Western Blotting Markers, Cytiva

Supplier: Cytiva

95038-574EA 273.72 USD
Amersham ECL DualVue Western Blotting Markers, Cytiva
Electrophoresis Reagents Molecular Weight Markers

Amersham™ ECL™ DualVue™ Western blotting markers perform two key functions. Firstly, the prestained marker proteins confirm protein transfer in addition to clearly defining blot orientation. Secondly, the recombinant tagged proteins are detected on film or by CCD imaging in conjunction with the target protein(s) of interest, enabling highly accurate molecular mass determination of the target protein(s). The tagged markers are detected easily and specifically by means of a specific conjugate that eliminates any cross contamination between target protein(s) and markers.

  • Detect proteins on gel and membrane as well as on film
  • Prestained markers indicate efficiency of protein transfer to membrane and blot orientation
  • Tagged recombinant protein markers allow accurate calculation of molecular weight of target protein(s)
  • Product is compatible with any HRP substrate as well as both PVDF and nitrocellulose membrane types

Delivery information: Amersham™ ECL™ DualVue™ Western blotting markers contain a mixture of 3 prestained coloured markers of defined molecular weight (MW 15 000 to 100 000) and 7 tagged recombinant proteins (molecular weights from 15 000 to 150 000). Each pack contains ECL™ DualVue™ markers (125 µl) and S-protein-HRP conjugate (50 µl), sufficient for 25 standard gel loadings.

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