Acid Resistant Refrigerated CentriVap Centrifugal Vacuum Concentrators, Labconco®

Supplier: Labconco
89187-284EA 16980 USD
Acid Resistant Refrigerated CentriVap Centrifugal Vacuum Concentrators, Labconco®
Evaporators Centrifugal Evaporators
The acid-resistant refrigerated CentriVap centrifugal concentrator is designed to rapidly concentrate multiple small heat-sensitive samples, such as RNA and proteins, using centrifugal force, vacuum and controlled temperature.

This exclusive concentrator combines a refrigeration system that cools to –4 °C with a heater that warms to 100 °C to achieve the users desired set point temperatures. It also features a corrosion-resistant, Teflon-coated chamber and Hastelloy shaft to protect against samples containing corrosive solvents.
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