CGH labeling kit for BAC arrays (2 x 10 reactions), Enzo Life Sciences

Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences

89165-786EA 1086.73 USD
CGH labeling kit for BAC arrays (2 x 10 reactions), Enzo Life Sciences
Microarray Reagents

For preparation of Cyanine 3- and Cyanine 5-labeled DNA for hybridization to BAC arrays.The CGH Labeling Kit for BAC Arrays has been optimized to label DNA for dual sample comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) assays on BAC arrays. All required reagents are provided including fully optimized nucleotide mixes that contain either cyanine 3-dUTP or cyanine 5-dUTP.

The CGH Labeling Kit for BAC Arrays has been specifically tailored to meet the varying requirements of individual laboratories by providing sufficient amount of reagents for two different protocols. For the average user, the Standard Protocol calls for a 4-hour labeling in a 50µl reaction volume. For users with dilute DNA (≤ 20 ng/µl), the Dilute DNA Protocol calls for a 4-16 hour labeling in a total volume of 100µl.

Ordering information: Quantity: 2 x 10 reactions Contents: Primers/Reaction Buffer, 2 x 400 μl
Cyanine 3-dUTP Nucleotide Mix, 2 x 50 μl
Cyanine 5-dUTP Nucleotide Mix, 2 x 50 μl
Klenow Exo-DNA Polymerase, 1 x 20 μl
Stop Buffer, 1 x 100 μl
Nuclease-free Water, 1 x 1 ml

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