CV-Cathepsin B Detection Kit, Enzo Life Sciences

Supplier: Enzo Life Sciences

89156-440EA 376.05 USD
CV-Cathepsin B Detection Kit, Enzo Life Sciences
Assays Enzyme Assays

Based on the dye cresyl violet and the cathepsin B ArgArg peptide recognition sequence, this kit allows the detection of cathepsin B activity in living cells by fluorescence microscopy.

Once cells are grown, staining is completed in just a few minutes

Elevated cathepsin enzyme activity often indicates the presence of a pathological condition including cancer, Alzheimer's disease, autoimmune disease, and osteoporosis.

Hoechst 33342 stain and Acridine Orange are also included to allow visualization of nuclei and lysosomes.

Ordering information: Deliver Information: Kit contains CV-(RR)2 reagent, Acridine Orange, Hoechst 33342 stain

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