Switchover System, Automatic, Diaphragm, Brass, Chrome Plated, Rotarex

Supplier: Ceodeux Inc.
89130-506EA 7236.31 USD
Switchover System, Automatic, Diaphragm, Brass, Chrome Plated, Rotarex
Gas Regulators
Ideally suited to insure gas supply from many highpressure sources of high purity non-corrosive gases with low flow

Possible to manage 4 gas cylinders without any extension and a gas for purging operation (up to 6
cylinders without any extension without using the purge line). No risk that a source flows into the other one. Ready to install due with all components pre-mounted on a board.

Exists in a MANUAL, SEMI-AUTOMATIC and AUTOMATIC version. The automatic switch over board does not need to be reset to allow reversal of the cycle. Can be equipped with a collection tube on the safety relief valve and purge outlet. Can be equipped with an outlet shut-off valve. Using contact gauges, the switch-over board can also be equipped with an alarm box to indicate the source status.

When connected to a switch-over board or a supply board, optional alarms detect the moment when the cylinder is empty. They also indicate that the equipment works correctly. Visual and acoustic display. Repetition of the alarm by temporisation. Can be use with all kind of gauges. Connectable to remote alarms.

Dedicated to the supply of gas to analyzers and to the creation of controlled atmosphere in laboratories, control units, and for petrochemical applications.

Certifications: Alarms are CE marked (CEM directive).

Ordering information: Additional outlet pressures and flow rates available; contact your Avantor sales representative for more information. Alarms do not include power supply cable.
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