May Grunwald's eosin-methylene blue solution

Supplier: Epredia

84000-188EA 131.22 USD
May Grunwald's eosin-methylene blue solution
May Grunwald's eosin-methylene blue

Produce very dense color saturation with Epredia™ May-Grunwald Stain, a classical hematology stain.

  • Requires longer staining time
  • Dramatically darker than Giemsa and Wright Giemsa stains
  • Used in the staining of peripheral blood smears and bone marrows

The Epredia™ May-Grünwald Stain Solution is a mixture of several thiazin dyes in a methanol solvent. Ionic and nonionic forces are involved in the binding of these dyes. The staining solution has anionic and cationic properties. The negatively charged phosphoric acid groups of DNA attract the purple polychromatic cationic dyes to the nuclei. The blue basophilic granules are stained by the polychromatic cationic dyes. Cationic cellular components, such as erythrocytes and eosinophilic granules, are stained by the red and pink anionic dyes. The buffers used in the staining procedure liberate and activate dye ions allowing them to chemically bond with specific cellular components. When staining blood and bone marrow swears, the pH of the staining solution and/or buffer is a critical factor.


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