Bovine Trypsin
Supplier: G-Biosciences
Trypsin is a serine endopeptidase that specifically cleaves peptide bonds that are readily identified by mass spectrometry.
- The resulting trypsin is extremely resistant to autolysis and has a specific activity over 10,000 units/mg protein
- The maximum activity is in the pH range of 7 to 9 and the activity is reversibly inactivated at pH 4
Native trypsin is prone to autolysis that results in pseudotrypsin, which exhibits a broader proteolytic specificity and trypsin fragments that interfere with sequence analysis.
Unlike other trypsin preparations, our Mass Spectrometry Grade Trypsin is highly stable, and as a result can be stored for a long period without any loss of activity. For convenience, Mass Spectrometry Grade Trypsin (porcine) is supplied lyophilized as 100 or 20µg vials with a specific resuspension buffer.
In addition, the modified trypsin is TPCK treated to inactive the interfering chymotrypsin activity and the resulting protein is affinity purified and lyophilized.
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