Avantor® Small Scale Magnetic Mixing Systems

Supplier: Avantor Fluid Handling
AFHM10MMS-0101 AFHM10MMS-0102 AFHM20MMS-0101 AFHM20MMS-0102
77590-214EA 21437.48 USD
77590-214 77590-216 77874-126 77874-128
Avantor® Small Scale Magnetic Mixing Systems
Stirrers Overhead Stirrers

The Avantor Small scale magnetic mixing system is a robust, flexible, high-quality, expert-designed solution for small volume single use mixing needs up to 20 L.

  • Intuitive software: Controlled by a user-friendly software program that runs on a 7" color touchscreen display. This software allows users to save mixing profiles and customize their mixing settings

  • Integrated loadcell: The system comes with an integrated loadcell as standard that measures the weight of the vessel and contents, providing accurate feedback on the mixing process
  • Lexan support container: The single-use mixing bag is supported by a clear support container that is removeable and interlocking with the platform base making installation and management of the mixing chamber simple and quick
  • Level bubble: Adjustable feet and an integrated level bubble ensures a stable platfom on uneven surfaces
  • Temperature controlled blanket: The system has a temperature-controlled jacket accessory option that ensures a constant temperature within the mixing chamber is maintained

The Small scale magnetic mixing bag offers a sterile, single-use mixing container designed to maximize mixing performance while minimizing disruptive shear. The 5-bladed impeller is floating freely due to magnetic forces minimizing risk of particle generation and ensuring a safe and homogenous mixing of product. Avantor's Small Scale Magnetic Mixing bags come in standard designs ranging from 5 to 10 L or Avantor's experienced team of engineers can help you design specialized custom solutions tailored to your unique bioprocessing mixing needs.


CE marked.

Ordering information:

For custom option skids and single use Small scale magnetic mixing system requests please contact your local Avantor sales representative.

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