These furnaces are especially used for the assay of precious metals and ashing processes where the insulation and heating must be protected from emerging gases and vapours.
- Muffle heated from four sides (three sides for assay furnace N 25/13 CUP)
- Heating elements and insulation protected by muffle
- Simple replacement of muffle
- Warm furnace can be opened
- Tool holder on furnace
- Stainless steel exhaust chimney above the door opening for connection of an exhaust system
- Dual shell housing with fan cooling to reduce exterior temperatures
- Defined application within the constraints of the operating instructions
- NTLog Basic for Nabertherm controller: Recording of process data with USB-flash drive
The furnace chamber forms a ceramic muffle which can easily be replaced. The assay furnace is equipped with an integrated exhaust hood above the furnace door for connection to and exhaust sytem.
Accessories information: Optional accessores include: base frame on castors (not for assay furnace N 4/13 CUP); process control and documentation via VCD software package for monitoring, documentation and control. Contact your Avantor representative for more information.
Ordering information: These assay/ashing furnaces can be ordered in a variety of sizes depending on the charge size. Models are rated up to 1280 or 1300 °C depending on the version. Control through the B500 controller (5 programs with 4 segments each).