Hypersil GOLD™ PEI HILIC HPLC Column

Supplier: Thermo Scientific
76477-176EA 2955.88 USD
Hypersil GOLD™ PEI HILIC HPLC Column
Chromatography Columns
Highly polar and hydrophilic analytes that are difficult to analyze with conventional C18 columns can be retained with Thermo Scientific™ Hypersil GOLD™ PEI HILIC LC columns for hydrophilic interaction chromatography.

These columns enable straightforward separations without sample derivatization or ion-pairing reagents. The columns feature excellent peak shape and selectivity and offer improved sensitivity in MS detection.

With particle sizes of 1.9, 3 and 5 µm, Hypersil GOLD PEI-HILIC columns are ideal for applications in drug development as well as in food and environmental analysis.
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