TrueBlot® Protein A Magnetic Beads, Rockland Immunochemicals

Supplier: Rockland Immunochemical
76236-560EA 309 USD
TrueBlot® Protein A Magnetic Beads, Rockland Immunochemicals
Beads Magnetic Beads
TrueBlot® Protein A Magnetic Beads

  • immunoprecipitation (IP), Co-IP experiments, antibody purification
  • Bead mean diameter is ~0.5 μm, bead concentration is 5 mg/mL
  • binding capacity is ≥ 80 μg rabbit IgG/mg of beads.

Trueblot® Magnetic Beads are uniform, non-aggregating, super-paramagnetic beads consisting of a ferric oxide core functionalized with various silane groups. The super-paramagnetic nanoparticles are coupled with a biomolecule, such as Protein A, and are specifically designed, tested and quality controlled for isolation and purification of antibodies, and immunoprecipitation methods using manual or automatic platforms. Protein A, attached to magnetic bead surface, can bind to antibodies from many different species, enabling purification of antibodies from crude extracts. Immunoprecipitation assays with Protein A magnetic beads result in high capture efficiencies and high yield of target antigen. Protein A magnetic beads are stable, pre-blocked beads that provide highly purified product. Bead mean diameter is ~0.5 μm, bead concentration is 5 mg/mL, and binding capacity is ≥ 80 μg rabbit IgG/mg of beads.

Trueblot® Protein A magnetic beads can be used for immunoprecipitation (IP) and Co-IP experiments as well as for antibody purification. For IP, target specific antibody is incubated with cell lysate. Protein A magnetic beads are then incubated with antigen-antibody complex at room temperature, washed and then eluted using elution buffer. The samples are then resolved by SDS-PAGE and analyzed by Western blotting. For antibody purification, Protein A magnetic beads are incubated with the antibody solution and then separated by magnets. After the unbound particulates are washed from the beads, the bound antibodies are eluted from the beads using the elution buffer. The beads are then magnetically separated from the eluted solution, which is removed manually.
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