AccuSignal Genomic DNA Magnetic Bead Kit, Rockland Immunochemicals

Supplier: Rockland Immunochemical

76236-386EA 568.36 USD
AccuSignal Genomic DNA Magnetic Bead Kit, Rockland Immunochemicals
Assays Immunological Assays

AccuSignal Genomic DNA Magnetic Bead Kit

  • extraction and isolation of genomic DNA
  • Bead mean diameter is ~0.5 μm, Bead concentration is 12.5 mg/mL
  • Binding capacity varies with sample type
  • contains magnetic beads and reagents sufficient for 100 samples

The Trueblot® Genomic DNA Magnetic Beads Kit is designed to purify genomic DNA from mammalian tissues and bacteria. Paramagnetic beads with uniform particle size efficiently bind DNA, resulting in high yields of DNA with minimal RNA, proteins, nucleases, and other cellular contaminants. The kit is intended for manual purifications using a magnetic separator. The protocol can be easily customized to optimize sample yield and quality depending on the type of tissue or bacteria. The kit contains magnetic beads and reagents sufficient for 100 samples. Magnetic separator is available separately. The uniform size and surface area of beads ensure highly reproducible results and improved performance compared to magnetic beads from alternative suppliers. Bead mean diameter is ~0.5 μm, Bead concentration is 12.5 mg/mL and Binding capacity varies with sample type.

The Trueblot® Genomic DNA Magnetic Beads Kit can be used for extraction and isolation of genomic DNA from bacteria and mammalian cells and tissue samples.

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