Goose Plasma Sterile In Sodium EDTA, Rockland Immunochemicals

Supplier: Rockland Immunochemical
75934-444EA 610.15 USD
Goose Plasma Sterile In Sodium EDTA, Rockland Immunochemicals
Sterile Plasma in Anticoagulant

  • 0.22 micron filter and found to be negative for bacterial growth after incubation on trypticase soy agar for 24 hours, 48 hours, and 72 hours
  • prepared by collection of whole blood into said anticoagulant
  • Red blood cells are removed through a process of centrifugation and filtration techniques - leaving non-sterile plasma behind

used as a component of bioassays, immunoassays or enzyme assays
used as a supplement to cell culture media
provides a broad spectrum of macromolecules, carrier proteins for lipoid substances and trace elements, attachment and spreading factors, low molecular weight nutrients, and hormones and growth factors that promote cell growth and health
Be certain to maintain Good Cell Culture Practice, and maintain sterility of cultures that require media supplementation.

pH: normal

Immunoelectrophoresis: normal

Hemoglobin: normal

IgG Concentration: normal
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