Neuron Modeling

Supplier: 3-D Molecular Designs
470337-151CS 837.8 USD
Neuron Modeling
Educational Materials Biology Educational Materials AP Biology Learning Activities
A flexible neuron model

  • Construct and describe a neuron
  • Interactive modeling
  • Reusable

Captivate your classroom and explore multiple concepts with our large and small foam neuron models!

Students can use the Neuron Modeling Kit© to:
Distinguish between multipolar neurons, bipolar neurons, unipolar neurons and interneurons, and determine their location and function in the human body.
Construct a model and identify parts of a multipolar neuron.
Use myelin sheath pieces to demonstrate differences between two types of neuroglia in the central and peripheral nervous systems.
Construct simple and complex neural pathways and examine the overall effect on neuronal firing at excitatory and inhibitory synapses.
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