Essential Physics Demo: Heat Absorpton and Radiation

Supplier: Wards
470018-308EA 68.3 USD
Essential Physics Demo: Heat Absorpton and Radiation
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials Heat/Thermodynamics Learning Activities
Understand Color and Heat Absorption.

  • Affordable, Easy, Fun
  • Present these demonstrations in front of your class to excite your students about learning core physics concepts
  • Set up and execution are simple, so you can spend more time engaging your students
  • Ideal for introducing a unit or using as reinforcement after a lesson, these demos are available for all fundamental physical science topics

This simple yet effective teaching tool will enable your students to study the rate at which objects with different color properties absorb and radiate heat. The apparatus consists of two four inch reflectors, one shiny and one black, a 12V light bulb in between them, and cylinders to hold thermometers on the back of each reflector. When you turn the light bulb on, the two reflectors will react to the light accordingly; the shiny one will absorb less light and actually reflect the light while the black reflector will absorb the light, convert it to heat, and become hot to the touch. Your students will not only feel the difference that colors have on light absorption but they will see it as well, as the temperatures on the back of the cylinders will yield different results. Includes a white screen to help aid in showing how a white object can reflect heat and instructions. Required but not included is a 12 V. Size: 10" x7".
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