Sentino® Microbiology Pump, Cytiva (Formerly Pall Lab)

Supplier: Cytiva
10841-650EA 1634 USD
Sentino® Microbiology Pump, Cytiva (Formerly Pall Lab)
Pumps Peristaltic Pumps
The Sentino® pump system is ideal for microbiological MF technique using Pall MicroFunnel™ filtration units. Designed to use peristaltic action to draw the sample through the filter and send filtrate directly to drain or waste collection. The housing is a PC ABS-blended polymer, the keypad and label PE, the pump head PEI with PTFE-filled PBT rollers. The fluid path adapter is PP.

  • Safety: The system eliminates the need for a fluid trap under vacuum, preventing implosion accidents
  • The disposable design also eliminates the need to clean and autoclave manifold set-up, saving valuable time
  • Easy to clean: Shape of unit and construction materials are easy to wipe down with standard laboratory disinfectants
  • EasySoft touch keypad has simple on/off function and pulse features to control filtration, no complicated programming

The peristaltic flow design pulls sample through the filter and fluid path eliminating the need for a vacuum source. It also ensures the fluid flows in one direction without the potential for back-up and contamination of analysis. Operating parameters are pre-set and fixed to best satisfy published requirements for MF technique in US EPA, ISO and ASTM methods; thereby eliminating the need for extensive validations. Fixed conditions also prevent changes to filtration parameters that may adversely affect colony recoveries and integrity of results.

Delivery information: The Sentino® microbiology pump system contains a pump, power transformer, and an NA power cord with NEMA 5-15P. Disposable fluid paths (89183-086) must be ordered separately.
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