Monarch® Total RNA Miniprep Kit, New England Biolabs
Supplier: New England Biolabs (NEB)
Quickly and easily purify up to 100 µg of high quality total RNA from multiple sample types – all with one kit.
- Activity is not inhibited by an α1-3 Fucose residue on the chitobiose core
- Effectively purifies total RNA of all sizes, including small RNAs >20 nt
- Efficient genomic DNA removal (column and DNase I-based)
- Excellent value
The Monarch Total RNA Miniprep Kit is a comprehensive solution for sample preservation, cell lysis, gDNA removal, and purification of total RNA from a wide variety of biological samples, including cultured cells, blood, and mammalian tissues.
Additionally, tough-to-lyse samples, such as bacteria, yeast, and plant, can be processed with additional steps that enhance lysis. Cleanup of enzymatic reactions or purification of RNA from TRIzol® -extracted samples is also possible using this kit.
Purified RNA has high quality metrics, including A260/280 and A260/230 ratios >1.8, high RIN scores, and minimal residual gDNA. Captured RNA ranges in size from full-length rRNAs down to intact miRNAs. Additionally, differential binding conditions allow selective capture or exclusion of the sub-200 nucleotide RNA pool that includes miRNA, 5S rRNA, and tRNA. Purified RNA is suitable for downstream applications, such as RT-qPCR, cDNA synthesis, RNA-seq, Northern blot analysis.
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