Chromolith® Prep HPLC Columns, MilliporeSigma

Supplier: MilliporeSigma
1.25251.0001 1.25252.0001
EM1.25260.0001EA 1367.4 USD
EM1.25260.0001 EM1.25261.0001 10143-118 10143-120
Chromolith® Prep HPLC Columns, MilliporeSigma
Chromatography Columns
Chromolith® Prep monolithic stationary phases are new ultrapure silica phases which gain their special properties from a bimodal pore structure.

The large macropores, with a pore diameter ranging from 3 µm, form a dense network of pores and allow a high flow rate due to a low resistance factor. The resulting excellent accessibility of the mesopores (total porosity >80%) assures fast adsorption and desorption kinetics because of the short diffusion length inside the pores. This results in dramatically reduced separation times and thus greatly increased productivity.

To operate a monolithic column it is necessary to ensure that no flow-through occurs in the wall region. Therefore the monolith is cladded with a polymeric material (special PEEK) and can be connected directly to each HPLC system and used as 'ready to use' column.

This structure is a property of a new 'Sol-Gel' technology and consists of macropores and mesopores. The mesopores with an average diameter of 12 nm, form the fine porous structure of the column interior and create a very large surface area on which adsorption of the target compounds occurs.
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