Hypercarb™ HPLC Columns, Thermo Scientific

Supplier: Thermo Scientific
35003-031030 35003-050365 35003-100065 35003-100265 35003-100365 35003-101030 35003-150365 35005-017581 35005-017583 35005-050065 35005-050265 35005-050365 35005-057581 35005-057582 35005-100065 35005-100165 35005-100265 35005-100365 35005-101030 35005-150065 35005-150365
10042-852EA 1953.78 USD
10042-852 10042-864 10042-866 10042-878 10042-880 10042-882 10042-886 10042-888 10042-902 10042-918 10042-920 10042-938 10042-950 10042-952 10042-954 10042-958 10042-974 10042-978 10042-980 10042-990 10042-992 10042-994 10042-996 10043-000 10043-028 10043-030 10046-184
Hypercarb™ HPLC Columns, Thermo Scientific
Chromatography Columns
Porous Graphitic Carbon (PGC) is a unique stationary phase composed of flat sheets of hexagonally arranged carbon atoms with a satisfied valence, as in a very large polynuclear aromatic molecule.

  • Hypercarb is unlike traditional silica bonded phases in both its structure and retentive properties
  • Total pH stability and the retention and separation of highly polar species

Hypercarb columns are ideally suited to solve 'problem' separations, in both reversed phase and normal phase HPLC and LC/MS applications.

Ordering information: Guard cartridges require use of corresponding Thermo Scientific UNIGUARD Holders. Cartridges with a 1 mm int.Ø require the 1 mm UNIGUARD holder (10046-746), 2.1/3 mm int.Ø require the 2/3 mm UNIGUARD Holder (10046-748) and 4/4.6 mm int.Ø require the 4/4.6 mm UNIGUARD holder (10046-744).
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