Classic++™ 1-Step RT-PCR Kit, Tonbo Biosciences

Supplier: Tonbo Biosciences

10002-274EA 287.1 USD
Classic++™ 1-Step RT-PCR Kit, Tonbo Biosciences
Nucleic Acid Reagents RT-PCR and cDNA Reagents

The Classic++ 1-Step RT-PCR kit’s advanced reagents allow for efficient cDNA synthesis and PCR in a single tube

For the PCR reaction, Classic++ Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase is included. Novel hot start technology improves yields by minimizing or eliminating primer dimer formation and non-specific amplification.

Convenient RT-PCR kit formulation allows for high speed, accurate and reproducible cDNA synthesis and subsequent PCR amplification in a single tube, starting from a variety of target RNA templates.

The kit contains a proprietary M-MLV Reverse Transcriptase (RT) molecule blended with an optimized RNase inhibitor, a mix that is both thermostable and extremely active. This RTase mix synthesizes cDNA at a temperature range of 45–55°C, providing increased specificity, higher yields of cDNA, and more full-length product than other reverse transcriptases.

Caution: Storage temperature at -20°C upon Arrival and Limit Exposure to Light

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